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Since 2021
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Mark purchased his first aquarium from his long time dear friend "Don"

Marks journey into Salt water aquariums began over 20 years ago. Mark purchased his first aquarium from his long time dear friend "Don", who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Don knew that Mark would find the passion, the dedication & love for salt water aquariums long after he left this earth. Mark has been a hobbyist ever since. So when Mark Deziel approached the previous owners Mark & Keith about purchasing Marinescape, as it was not listed for sale everything started aligning from being a hobbyist to the owner of Marinescape. With every coral, fish, & aquarium since then has been in dedication of his dear friend Don. Mark moved to Ottawa 2 years ago from Muskoka where his professional business was a licensed HVAC professional with 15 years experience. Marks attention to detail is impeccable. 

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: DhurbaR

: 789-279-0880
